
Weight loss diabetes cure

Weight loss diabetes cure

Weight loss is a key part, and treatment is often enough to cure Type 2 diabetes.
A study was done in which a group of patients with diabetes type 2 individuals with less than 4 years of diagnosis of the disease, underwent a strict diet of only 600 calories a day for two months. After the treatment, it was observed that most of the carrier was no longer disease. This result reinforces the idea that to lose weight, the individual is replaced by a better pancreatic function, which regulates sugar levels in the blood.
The result remained even after the end of the diet and when individuals have returned to healthy eating "normal", ie no sugar, excess carbohydrates and fats.
During the study, subjects only fed on liquid dietary food and vegetables without starch.This resulted in a large weight loss, causing the levels of fat stored in the pancreas from 8 to fall only 6%.
But it is not known if the same results will be observed in individuals with diabetes type 1 and this result will be permanent, requiring more scientific research in this regard.

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