
How is pregnancy of diabetic women

How is pregnancy of diabetic women

The pregnancy of diabetic woman requires a very strict control of blood sugar levels during the nine months of pregnancy to avoid possible complications.
Moreover, it should take a daily supplement of 5mg of folic acid three months before pregnancy and the first trimester of pregnancy, with a dose well above the daily 400mcg recommended for non-diabetic women.

Care that diabetic should have during pregnancy

The care that diabetic should have during pregnancy are mainly:
  • Call a doctor every 15 days;
  • Daily log the sugar levels in the blood, how many times the doctor prescribes;
  • Take all medications according to the doctor's guidance;
  • Perform the test insulin 4 times a day;
  • Take the exam in the glycemic index every month;
  • Take the examination of the eye every 3 months;
  • Having a balanced diet poor in sugar;
  • Hiking regularly, especially after meals.
The better the blood sugar control, the less likely the mother and the baby have problems during pregnancy.

What can happen if the diabetes is not controlled

While diabetes is not the mother is controlled more easily and infections may occur preeclampsia, which is the pressure increase which may cause convulsions or coma in pregnant and even death of the baby or the pregnant woman.
In uncontrolled diabetes during pregnancy babies are born as very large, they may have respiratory problems, birth defects and being diabetic or obese adolescents.
Learn more about the consequences for the baby when the mother's diabetes is not controlled: What are the consequences for the baby, diabetic mother?

How is the delivery of diabetic woman

The birth of diabetic woman run smoothly if the diabetes is controlled and may be vaginal delivery or C-section, depending on how stems pregnancy and baby size. However, the healing process is generally more time consuming because excess blood sugar hinders the healing process.
When the baby is very large in normal birth is more likely to shoulder injury at birth and the mother will have greater risk of injury in the perineum, so it is important the doctor's advice in deciding the type of delivery.
After birth, babies of diabetic women, how can develop hypoglycemia sometimes stay in the NICU for at least 6-12 hours, to get a better medical supervision.

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