
3 ways to control high blood pressure without medicine

3 ways to control high blood pressure without medicine

To control high blood pressure when she is beginning to take hold before you start taking medicine, it is usually still possible to try to control the pressure only with portion sizes.
However, it is essential to consult a cardiologist every 3 months and measure blood pressure at least 2 times a week to see if the pressure is normalizing.

How to control your blood pressure without medication

But even if you have been prescribed medication to lower blood pressure, so it stays more easily under control day and night preventing stroke, heart attack or even shortness of breath, it is important:
  1. Slims r. If your weight is above the ideal only lose weight is enough to lower high blood pressure values ​​it is also the measure of waist circumference in men has to be less than 94 cm and smaller woman than 80 cm;
  2. Do a physical activity like walking or bike 30 minutes a day, five days a week. It is important that the chosen physical activity does not involve sudden changes in intensity and strength as in weight training or competitive sport like soccer, for example;
  3. Use herbs, vinegar and pepper as seasoning food , feed removing salt and other elements with much sodium as soft drinks, sausages or canned preserves like olives or pickles;
Furthermore it is important to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water and eat fruits and vegetables with diuretic properties such as cucumber or asparagus. Learn more at: diuretics Food .
If the doctor has already oriented to taking drugs, it is essential to take the indicated medicine according to doctor's recommendation and maintain regular visits to a cardiologist every three months to assess whether the pressure remain high and adjust the dose of the drug and analyze the effectiveness of natural and household measures to control hypertension.

How to control high blood pressure during pregnancy

Controlling blood pressure is important for decreasing the symptoms of high blood pressure such as dizziness, fatigue, nausea, headache or double vision, for example. This control is important, especially when there is high blood pressure in pregnancy because high blood pressure in pregnancy is related to eclampsia, which can cause seizures or coma in pregnant and even death of the baby or the pregnant woman.
To learn more about how to control high blood pressure in pregnancy see: High blood pressure in pregnancy .

Food to control high blood pressure

The feed control high blood pressure are primarily potassium-rich foods such as:
  • Beet;
  • Avocado, orange juice, banana, papaya;
  • Yoghurt, skimmed milk;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Unsalted peanuts;
  • Sardines;
  • Lentils, peas;
In addition to eat 2 to 3 times per day these foods it is important not additional salt to cook foods, herbs can be used in seasonings such as oregano, thyme and rosemary, for example to flavor food.

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