
Quick salad for weight loss

Quick salad for weight loss

This quick salad to lose weight, in addition to having very few calories, helps fight constipation and osteoporosis because it also has a lot of fiber and calcium.
This is a lettuce salad with yogurt sauce and shrimp which yields 4 servings and each serving contains about 210 calories, so it's a great recipe to vary the menu during a weight loss diet.

Ingredients of the salad to lose weight fast:

  • Small lettuce 1;
  • 200 g of shrimp or crab meat;
  • 2 apples;
  • 250 g of papaya;
  • 1 avocado;
  • Juice of 1 lemon;
  • 1 mango;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream soup;
  • 1 natural yogurt.

Fast salad Preparation for weight loss:

Wash the lettuce, drain and chop the leaves. Peel the papaya, avocado and mango, leaving it clean and seedless pulp, cut into thin slices. Place the fan-shaped fruits on the lettuce and add the lemon juice for them not to darken.
For the sauce, mix the yoghurt with the lemon juice and the cream and set aside. Place the shrimp or crab meat in the center of the salad and drizzle with yogurt sauce.
This salad is good to treat osteoporosis because it has a high concentration of calcium in yogurt and fruits and also due to the lettuce has a lot of fiber to combat constipation and regulate bowel function.

1 comment:

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