
Diet for Phenylketonuria

Diet for Phenylketonuria

The diet for PKU is important to control the intake of phenylalanine is present, especially in protein-rich foods such as meat, fish or eggs. Treating the disease is important because this excess amino acid in patients with phenylketonuria causes difficulties in mental development.
It is important to read the labels of processed foods as a sweetener aspartame contains phenylalanine, for example.
The diet for PKU is necessary to be aware of the amount of phenylalanine which may be eaten each day as it varies according to the age and weight:
  • Newborn at 6 months : 20 to 70 mg / kg body per day;
  • Between 7 months and 1 year : 15 to 50 mg / kg body per day;
  • 1 to 4 years of age : 15 to 40 mg / kg body per day;
  • 4 to 7 years of age : 15 to 35 mg / kg body per day;
  • 7 to 15 years old : 15 to 30 mg / kg body per day and
  • 15 onwards : 10 to 30 mg / kg body per day.
Patients with phenylketonuria may ingest phenylalanine, but always being careful not to exceed your daily needs. Thus, no commitment the motor and cognitive development.

Diet menu for fecilcetonuria

The menu diet must be customized for phenylketonuria and prepared by a nutritionist because it is highly specific and has to take into account the patient's age, the amount of phenylalanine allowed and the quantity of protein necessary for the patient.
Sample typical menu for a child 3 years old with PKU:
Tolerance: phenylalanine 300 mg / day
MENUNUMBER OF phenylalanine
300 ml of specific formula60 mg
3 tablespoons of cereal15 mg
60 g canned peach9 mg
230 ml of specific formula46 mg
Half a slice of bread with low protein content7 mg
A teaspoon of jam0
40 g of cooked carrots13 mg
25 g apricot preserves6 mg
4 slices of peeled apple4 mg
10 crackers18 mg
Specific formula46 mg
Specific formula46 mg
Half cup of batter with low protein content5 mg
2 tablespoons tomato sauce16 mg
2 tablespoons of cooked green beans9 mg
300 mg
Phenylketonuria is a genetic disease that identifies baby, so usually the patient with phenylketonuria is accompanied early on by a nutritionist or gastroenterologist doctor indicating the type of power to follow.


Benefits of Aloe Vera

Benefits of Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera is a natural plant from North Africa, which presents itself as a kind of green cactus, which has numerous medicinal properties. Its benefits include:
  • Nourishing action: It stimulates the formation of cells and tissues, it has 18 of the 23 amino acids necessary for human body;
  • Regenerating action : It contributes to the elimination of old cells and the formation of new cells;
  • Moisturizing Aloe Vera has a gel that restores damaged tissues and moisturizes the skin;
  • Digestive action : Aloe Vera has enzymes that facilitate digestion;
  • Anti-inflammatory Action : It has properties which aid in treating inflammation, burns and infections.
  • Anticancer action : The plant also has the ability to stop tumor growth when used as adjunctive therapy form.
It can consume Aloe Vera gel form or in the form of juice. These can be prepared homemade form, although they can be found in industrialized form in supermarkets, drugstores and diet.

How to use

To prepare the aloe vera juice at home just open two leaves of aloe vera, remove the pulp and mix in a blender with 1 liter of water and a tablespoon of honey, in the proportion of 100 g of the pulp for 1 liter of water. Drink several times during the day.


Hidden hunger

Hidden hunger

Hidden hunger is a condition in which a person is hungry, feeds, but have nutrient deficiencies because it makes a varied diet rich in nutrients. So the person eats, but does not eat well, even eat in large quantities, because very select foods doing basically the same meals with very little repeated and making nutritious meal food.
A varied diet should be encouraged since the introduction of new foods, from six months of life, so that it becomes a habit of life, to prevent nutritional deficiencies, preventing diseases linked to poor diet, for example, obesity, high cholesterol, and other cardiovascular diseases or osteoporosis.

Symptoms of hidden hunger

Symptoms of hidden hunger are:
  • tiredness,
  • frequent infections,
  • lack of memory,
  • hair loss,
  • weak nails,
  • anemia.
Hidden hunger can even lead to failure to thrive or physical and even intellectual.

Treatment for hidden hunger

Treatment for hidden hunger when symptoms are too advanced can be supplementation in adequate vitamins and minerals prescribed.
If the hidden hunger syndrome is not very advanced and therefore the symptoms are mild, a varied diet adapted to the individual needs and designed by a nutritionist may be sufficient.


Spirulina slims

Spirulina slims

Spirulina lose weight because it promotes satiety, reducing hunger and cravings for sweets, and in addition it aids in muscle recovery after physical exercise. 
  • Eliminating localized fat, because it acts directly on fat cells, reducing their size;
  • Promotes satiety, due to the release of anorectic hormones and insulin, which act on the satiety center, resulting in reduced appetite;
  • Take the desire to eat sweets, because of the presence of magnesium on tryptophan, which gives a sense of well being;
  • Purifies the body, due to its diuretic and antioxidant content;
  • Improves fatigue, to prevent the formation of lactic acid in the muscles after physical activity;
  • Prevents premature aging, it is rich in vitamin A.
It is indicated especially in cases of obesity, localized fat in the belly area and physically active.

Using spirulina for weight loss

The recommended dose to be taken spirulina to lose weight is 2.8 g, 3 times per day for a significant reduction in body weight. The capsules should be taken 30 minutes before the main meals of the day.
One can buy Spirulina in health food stores like Green World, for example. The price varies between 12 and 20 reais.


Meal more nutritious that

Meal more nutritious that

The meal should be more nutritious, it must feed the body and mind. The value of the meal goes beyond the nutritional pot ential, it also serves to create and support habits, strengthen ties, shape character and live.
The timing of the meal, especially with family, must be nice, and although increasingly rare, are moments that should be well planned, nurtured and valued.
For that meal time is a good time for the family, including those with small children at the table, we need to make the mealtime:
  • Do not exceed 30 minutes;
  • There are no distractions and noises like radio or television (background music is a good alternative);
  • The conversations are always about pleasant subjects and never a moment to remember anything bad that happened during the day;
  • Do not insist that the child, who did not want to eat, eat, just do not get up from the table while the family is at the table;
  • They have rules of table manners as: use the napkin or do not eat with your hands.
In homes where there are children who do not eat well or easily, it is very important not to make the moment of tense meal and evil, to be a time when all yearn to be together and not just for the food.
As blackmail: "if you do not eat no dessert" or "do not eat do not let you watch TV," they should not be used. The meal is a moment that can not be exchanged, there may be no option or negotiation.


Weight loss diabetes cure

Weight loss diabetes cure

Weight loss is a key part, and treatment is often enough to cure Type 2 diabetes.
A study was done in which a group of patients with diabetes type 2 individuals with less than 4 years of diagnosis of the disease, underwent a strict diet of only 600 calories a day for two months. After the treatment, it was observed that most of the carrier was no longer disease. This result reinforces the idea that to lose weight, the individual is replaced by a better pancreatic function, which regulates sugar levels in the blood.
The result remained even after the end of the diet and when individuals have returned to healthy eating "normal", ie no sugar, excess carbohydrates and fats.
During the study, subjects only fed on liquid dietary food and vegetables without starch.This resulted in a large weight loss, causing the levels of fat stored in the pancreas from 8 to fall only 6%.
But it is not known if the same results will be observed in individuals with diabetes type 1 and this result will be permanent, requiring more scientific research in this regard.


Hydrolyzed Collagen

Hydrolyzed Collagen

The collagen hydrolyzate is a dietary supplement that serves to make the skin firmer, fighting sagging, wrinkles and expression lines.
The hydrolyzed collagen Sanavita is one of the most popular in Brazil.

Benefits of hydrolyzed collagen

  • Improve skin support
  • Strengthen bones, joints, nails and hair
  • Increase skin elasticity
  • Improve the appearance of cellulite
  • Promote satiety, helping you lose weight

Collagen capsule

Hydrolyzed Collagen is found in the form of gelatin capsules that must be ingested daily with a little water. Some examples are: Hydrolyzed Collagen of Sanavita and Herbarium.
How to take : Take 1 or 2 capsules per day.

Collagen powder

Hydrolyzed Collagen is also marketed powder to be added to water, juice, milk or yoghurt.It confers an increased thickness to the net, leaving it like a Shake. This still gives feeling of fullness, helping you lose weight. A good tip is to buy the hydrolyzed collagen powder in natural flavor and add it to soups.
The collagen hydrolyzate does not have calories, or sugar. However, the collagen powder, due to the presence of other components, has on average fewer than 50 calories per serving.
How to take : dilute the contents of one sachet or 1 tablespoon of collagen hydrolyzate in some liquid and take after them.

Where to buy collagen hydrolyzate

One can buy the collagen hydrolyzate in pharmacies, drug stores and health food stores.It can also be found in powder form to prepare gelatin; Collagen candy and cereal bars with collagen.

Who should take collagen hydrolyzate

It is recommended supplementation with hydrolysed collagen from 30 years of age, but always under the supervision of a doctor or nutritionist.
For best results, we recommend the intake of 9 g of hydrolyzed collagen per serving and eating some food source of vitamin C to boost its absorption by the body.

Foods high in Vitamin A

Foods high in Vitamin A

Foods rich in vitamin A such as carrots, sweet potatoes and beef liver, are good for the skin and mucous membranes, and moreover this vitamin is very important for vision and it is essential to ensure the proper functioning of the reproductive organs.
Vitamin A may also be useful to prevent and combat the TPM, which is the premenstrual syndrome when taken 10 days before the first day of menstruation.
Some foods rich in vitamin A can be:

Food of vegetable origin rich in vitamin A
The vitamin A deficiency may be the cause of a type of anemia or other conditions such as night blindness, or skin more susceptible to infection, although the minimum amount needed to maintain healthy (RDA), which is between 700 and 900 mcg for adults, and 300 to 400 mcg for children, is easily achieved in the varied daily diet.  

List of foods rich in vitamin A

Foods rich in vitamin A - AnimalWeight (g)Vitamin A (retinol equivalents)Power
Cooked beef liver10010700169 calories
Cooked chicken beef liver1004900136 calories
Cod liver oil13.54080115 calories
Steamed seafood10017150 calories
Baked oysters10014675 calories
Foods rich in vitamin A - Plant
Raw carrot722025-380036 calories
Cooked sliced ​​carrots761300-190024.7 calories
Roasted sweet potato60131086 calories
Sleeve207805133 calories
Spinach cooked9573917 calories
Cabbage cooked9050222.5 calories
Cooked fresh beets7236732 calories
Tomato juice24228327 calories
There are other food source of vitamin A such as milk, eggs, cheese, avocado and watermelon, for example, also contain vitamin A, although less.

Daily dose of vitamin A

The vitamin requirements are expressed as retinol and vary depending on the stage of life.
  • Baby 6 to 12 months: 400 mcg / day
  • Adult man: between 600 and 900 mcg / day
  • Old woman: between 600 and 700 mcg / day
  • Pregnant women: 770 mcg / day
  • Infants: between 1200 and 1300 mcg / day
Cod liver oil is an excellent source of vitamin A and therefore serves to supplement when necessary.

Symptoms of lack of Vitamin A

Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency can manifest with skin lesions, night blindness and severe vision difficulties, kidney stones and bone modeling.
The symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are generally reversible by administration of high doses of vitamin (retinyl palmiato) directly into muscle and orally.


Hypervitaminosis of Vitamin A occurs in patients with chronic renal failure.
The symptoms related to excess vitamin A in the body are manifested in headaches, increased cranial pressure, fatigue, drowsiness and nausea, loss of appetite, peeling skin, itching the body, hair loss and atherosclerosis.